Katja Bergmann Art

Butterfly Dress

You need yarn in size 10, for the net size 10 to 20, the finer the more elegant. At that time I used a rather thick needle (0.90-1,10), which made the butterflies very large.
The hardest part is the network. You need a fabric pattern of the dress or shirt you want to make. You must attach the finished elements with the left side up on this fabric pattern with pins and sew them on with a few stitches.
Then you connect the motifs with the net (mesh). The mesh is made from chain stitch, double crochet and treble crochet and double treble. See also Irish Crochet Technique.

Here are the videos I’ve been using in this dress:

Some small elements from the books: 

  • “The Go-To Book for Irish Crochet Motifs” from Kathryn White. 
  • Mandalas zum Häkeln from Marie-Line André

If you can’t buy the mandala book in your country, just take beautiful mandalas from another book or look for YouTube videos or Pinterest

Good luck and have fun